we like to move it, move it - exercise does not need to be a struggleOne of the big themes of any new year is “getting healthy. This is not a bad thing. The idea of a new year, a clean slate, you want to...
fighting inflammation with foodI wanted to give you the update on my belly…Patti was asking how my doctor visit went, so I figured that I’d tell all of you together....
sparking joy by tidying up (your mind)Have you seen Marie Kondo’s show on Netflix, Tidying Up? Its been crazy cold here and I did a bit of bingeing on a few episodes. I know...
dry, winter lips? make lip balm!Have you read the ingredients in your favorite lip balm? There might be scary stuff in there, so check it out at ewg.org to find out how...
get more restful nights (AKA go the F to sleep)Sleep. photo courtesy of https://frackfreedenton.com What a glorious and sometimes elusive thing. We all need it. Almost none of us get...
Paris in the fall - how to travel for REALIt's the third anniversary (not fourth like we thought on the #phoodcast) of our amazing trip to Paris and we wanted to share our best...