It was SO AWESOME to meet Michelle Tam of fame last night. She’s funny, smart and even in her sleepy state (having just gotten off a week of night shifts the night before), she was on the ball answering a bunch of questions and down-right adorable. After which, she stayed to sign books in what seemed like an endless line of fans.
If you haven’t already purchased her book, Nom Nom Paleo: Food For Humans… You really should. Just like her, it’s funny, smart and adorable. There are even butt jokes from her boys to round things out. And, really, who doesn’t love a good butt joke? No one! If for nothing else but the amazing photography, you will love this book, but the recipes are pretty fantastic, too. None of them complicated or intricate, even Paleo newbies can whip up a satisfying, healthy meal in no-time, flat.
Thanks for visiting CO, Michelle! H, she’s headed your way, tomorrow.
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